Kokako such as this can be saved with trapping and poisoning methods to
kill predators. 100 to 150 kokako chicks will die in Pureora Forest
this season alone because the $25,000 budget for saving these creatures
has been suspended by DOC. Meanwhile they turn to dropping 1080'd
carrots but cut them up too small, so taht thousands of small birds died
when the small bits of poisoned carrot were caught in the tree tops. See the DOC
Once a few Manuka
have been planted, money is better spent on then concentrating on keeping
down feral animals, primarily through fencing, hunting and trapping.
To increase the bird population the bird predators have to be
eliminated. Once seed is on
the ground, the seed predators such as mice and rats then have to be
eliminated. Once the plants
have grown, then possums, pigs, goats and insects need to be eliminated.
Animal pests:
Balance of ethics with
success of trapping and the ultimately humane death, because as a local
trapper said “people think that when your beating something over the
head your being inhumane , whereas the immediate loss of consciousness
involved with this method of death is quick and humane and long practiced
over millennia. How many humans have died that way, for gods sake?
Trapping is the best because its non toxic, the catch is useable
too as an organic resource. It
provides benefit to any farming system, we compost them 80 at a time
layered with horse shit green foliage and seaweed, weeds and trimmings.
You don’t even have to turn it, you’ve just got to get it hot
enough to keep the smell down. But
we want to get a biodigester, to capture the fertilizer and the gases as
an additional energy source, especially good non-compressed for
Trapping roots you in the natural
world….having to go out in the bush and have this regular life and death
experience, combined with the eco buzz of satisfaction and selfreward
knowing you are looking after the bush. Living our ethics, giving life to
our ethics, is a pinnacle of human achievement.”
Your plants need to
grow in a safe environment. Make sure the site is securely fenced to keep
out stock and goats. An electric fence may be needed.
Local people using
traps have had better results in the Ureweras than with poison in
controlling possums, rats and mustelids.
dried rats for bait with fenn trap (better results than poisoned eggs)
cod liver oil
Victor no 1 trap
Timms traps are a
convenient way to trap possums, or ask advice from your regional council
pest officer.
tender new plants and will snap off quite large stems. If total
eradication of these pests is impossible, make barricades with sticks
(particularly prickly ones) around the plants. There are some sprays
available, but these are expensive and need to be repeated frequently. To
start with, plant things pests don't like such as manuka.