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Revegetation services


Forest Floor is a New Zealand leader in revegetation.  With our vast experience in horticulture, forestry, landscaping and ecology, we can guarantee success in achieving the goal of revegetation - canopy closure.

From the best local seed stocks, seedlings are raised using world class forestry propagation methods.  At the right time of year, when less well prepared teams are in a panic, Forest Floor planting teams can be found calmly covering the hectares. 


 We believe in using energy-efficient methods to carry out any job, significantly reducing costs for the client. In other words we get more trees in the ground. Later we will return several times to follow the progress of the trees we have planted.  We are experts in achieving canopy closure and native forest self-regenerating systems in this fashion.

Myccorhizal friendly plants are essential to establishing native forest.

Unlike most pioneers, which support one type of mycorrhizal fungi, manuka supports the two main sorts of myccorhizal fungi, EM and AM.  It must have very special root structure to be so special.  It is a superplant, one of the most sophisticated pioneers that exist in nature. 

In Northland, where plants grow year round, it can be difficult to beat the weeds.  Forest Floor have developed natural methods to establish forests.  We are the most efficient complete project managers in the country.  We do not spend money on glossy reports and back office theorising.  Tim and Simon both believe in leading from where the action is, putting the client's needs first.

We write reports in black and white, no-nonsense language.  Forest Floor consultants are experienced in efficiently obtaining consents for buildings or subdivisions that are dependent on environmental mitigation.  We have a range of professionals on call for specialised needs such as engineering.

Forest Floor have successfully grown over 3 million native tree seedlings.  We have done it by paying attention to detail.

Why we chose manuka

The most common plant to be seen in New Zealand is Manuka. 

In planting projects on which we have been associated, where rugged coastal hillsides that are cliff faces in places have been planted up with trees, we found the best plants were the toughest.  Anything else planted cost more to grow in the nursery, was often harder to collect the seed and did not necessarily provide the result for which we were aiming when they were planted.  Such species made up a small portion of the planting plan.  Every job we do, we find more species that do succeed in different situations but the number one pioneer we have found to succeed in New Zealand is Manuka.


 Now we have found out that manuka is especially good at encouraging myccorhizal fungi.  It is a rare plant in the world in the respect that it supports both main types of myccorhizal fungi, which trees use to graduate to more efficient complete multi-canopy ecosystems.

Since colonisation of New Zealand, Manuka or more commonly called “Tea-Tree”, has been felled for firewood, for clearing for pasture and the wood has been largely burnt and destroyed, leaving erosion, much pasture and less Manuka.  Nevertheless, the plant is still tough.  There is a lot of it out there.  Manuka contributes hundreds of millions of dollars annually to our economy in the form of firewood and fuel, retention of soil on the land, retention of nutrients, brushwood for fencing, honey from bees, medicines.  There are many uses for Manuka including some which are not commercial at present, such as sawn timber and furniture.  There is even more potential if we look at its near relative, a similar plant, Kanuka.

I started out in the nursery thinking that Manuka was the last thing I wanted to grow.  Initially it certainly was one of the hardest to sell.  It was only through perseverance in my beliefs that we should copy nature that led me to persist in growing Manuka and finding new ways of growing it and finding that it was very tough in some ways and weak in others.  Every plant has its weakness and sometimes the weakness is that it is difficult to grow in the nursery and difficult to get people to plant them.  But we persevered and, through applying ourselves, found out how to grow Manuka.  We also grew flaxes, cabbage trees and lots of plants that a few years ago did not sell.  People did not want to pay for plants that grew wild.  They thought these plants were everywhere but, when they started to look closely, they found Manuka were not as common as thought.  Sometimes they are actually quite rare.

To encourage Manuka to regenerate, allowing it to go on for many years, blocking out weeds underneath such as Kikuya and establishing a forest cover and building up the soil is THE most important part of our answer for New Zealand.  I believe, Manuka is our saviour.  We need these tough plants.  Some very tough weeds and some very rugged situations need to be fought out there.  We are left with very poor soils with little money and we have to use our intelligence to try to get more trees in the ground.

When we look to growing shelter, we look to something that is going to survive in a hard spot.  There are many plant species which can do this but we have found Manuka to be the best single species.

We use something that comes from as nearby as possible, something that grows vigorously and well as a pioneer.  Something prolifically seeding.  Something self-regenerating.





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