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Planting tips  for Northland New Zealand

G’day to all tree planters.     

Now is the time to get a few more trees in the ground before it dries out.  Make sure plants are thoroughly saturated with water prior to planting.  Prune back the leaves a bit to reduce moisture loss and subsequent transplant shock.  The soil is beginning to warm up so root growth will be rapid if plants do not get a check.  Therefore watch the weather .....ensure your plants do not dry out when transplanting, and in a week or two they will be putting out new root growth.  

planting a puriri tree in whangarei

Planting is best timed so that plants can establish roots into the soil before their first drought.  Trees will not survive being planted in dry soil. 

Good time of the year to plant if rainfall allows, or plants are watered in.  Root growth is more rapid over Autumn/Winter/Spring – before the following dry Summer.  
Good time for bulk planting with heavier rainfalls.  
Best time for frost-prone plants once there is no danger from frosts. Warmer soil temperatiures enable plants to get established.  
Traditionally not recommended as conditions too dry, but in certain conditions it may be preferable, especially if planting in a cold climate (South Island), and if able to water plants in.  

Choosing a Site

The care taken in choosing the correct site selection and correctly preparing the site are the keys to ensuring successful plant growth.  Identify problems with your site. 

Consider the following:   soil type, frost exposure, wind exposure, salt exposure, sun exposure.  Each particular type of plant has its own requirements.  Look at the place you are trying to plant up and then go looking nearby for other similar pieces of land, and observe what grows well.  They are the plants you should be growing.  Do not think you can take plants from shade nearby and put them into full sun, however.  Every detail of habitat and site microclimate must be studied.  Often in a harsh site, there are few plants which will grow.   Given weed competition there are even less plants which will survive.  Thus look for the hardiest tougest fastest growing local native pioneers.  

SOme introduced plants may grow well also......too well.  Watch out for potential weeds, especially climbers.  As a land manager, the number one thing you can do is to eliminate certain weeds.  Politically difficult to get on the lists, moth plant or kapok vine is an example of something you should get rid of while you've got the chance.  Otherwise you will have a worse job later.  Many introduced plants are potential weeds. Our special local fauna is not adapted to such plants.  We must retain the balance in the favour of the local natives, in order to have kiwi and kokako, for example.

Establish what grows naturally in the locality.  Copy nature to get the best results.

If possible first plant fast growing species (pioneers) which will shelter native trees and shrubs.

Suit the plants for the condition of the site – not the site to the plant.

hedge of mixed native trees planted by forest floor

Before Planting

The main watchpoints:

·         Eradicate weeds and grasses from your proposed planting site approximately six weeks before planting.  This may even require spraying the area.

·         If you live in a rural locality, fencing to keep stock out is essential.

·         Control pests.  Identify any eliminate potential problems.  Rabbits, goats and possums have to be controlled prior to planting trees to avoid damage or destruction of tender plants.  Some sites require a two-year programme of vigilant eradication to enable young trees to grow.  Possums can even be found in city gardens!  We can advise on control.

.     If your planting site is in the open and flat, there is a risk of frost. 

·         Before removing the plastic container in which we have provided your tree, water the plant well.



·         Plant in clusters of same species to attract birds and to make the overall effect look more natural see diagram below.

·         Ensure that the holes you dig are of the correct size.  Do not bury the stems or trunks of plants any higher or lower than to the level of the potting mix used by our nursery.

·         If necessary with bad soil, add some compost to the base of the holes you have dug.

·         Ensure roots are balanced and pointing in the right direction!

·         Pack soil firmly in around the root base.

·         Water thoroughly.

  After Planting

·    Continue with pest control.

·         Remove any weeds and grass competing for nutrients around your young trees.  This may require either chemicals or manually removing such competitors for up to two years.  In Spring weed at least twice

·         Water once or twice deeply in the first Summer (Dec/Jan) if drought occurs.


hebe flower at forest floor native tree nursery, Northland


Frost hardy and wind hardy Pioneer plants are required to provide shelter and protection for secondary plantings of Frost-Tender and Forest Trees.  

  Pioneers - planted first to establish shelter and build soil

Botanical Name
Common or Maori Name

Coprosma robusta


Fast grower to 6m.  Berries provide food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye and sometimes possums.  Suits coastal and wetland environs.

Cordyline australis

Cabbage Tree

Medium grower to 20m.  Provides food for Pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates light shade, wind, frost, dry soil.  Suits coastal and wetland environs.

Kunzea ericoides


Fast grower to 15m.  Provides shelter. Tolerates wind, frost, dry soil.  Suits coastal environs.  Does not attract possums.

Leptospermum scoparium

Tea Tree/


Fast grower to 4m.  Provides best shelter and mulch maker. Tolerates wind, frost, dry soil.  Suits coastal and wetland environs.  Does not attract possums.

Melicytus ramiflorus


Fast grower to 10m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye, Pigeons and often to possums.  Tolerates dry soil, wind and frost.  Suits coastal and wetland environs.

Phormium tenax


Medium grower to 3m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui and Silvereye.   Tolerates wind, frost, dry soil.  Suits coastal and wetland environs.  Does not attract possums.

Pittosporum crassifolium


Fast grower to 15m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye.  Does not attract possums.  Tolerates dry soil, wind.  Suits coastal environs.

Pittosporum eugenioides



Fast grower to 9m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye and sometimes possums.  Tolerates wind, frost. Does not like poor drainage.

Pittosporum tenuifolium


Fast grower to 9m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye and sometimes possums.  Tolerates medium shade, frost.  NZ's most popular hedge plant.

Plagianthus regius



Fast grower to 17m.  Tolerates medium shade, wind, frost.  Suits coastal and wetland environs.  Does not attract possums.

Pseudopanax spp.

Five finger

Fast grower to 8m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye and often to possums.  Tolerates dry soil, wind.  Suits Coastal environs.

 Secondary colonisers - best planted after pioneers are established and over 1 m tall. - suit light wells in taller scrub, forest margin, or sheltered site.  Usually grow best in full sun with a bit of shelter - some live for a very long time

Botanical Name
Common or Maori Name
Agathis australis kauri slow to start with but grows 1 metre per year in a warm sheltered site with full sun

Alectryon excelsus


Slow grower to 10m.  Provides food for Pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates frost.  Suits wetland environs.

Corynocarpus laevigatus


Medium grower to 15m.  Provides food for Pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates light shade and frost.  Suits wetland environs.

Dacrycarpus dacrydioides


Medium grower to 60m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye, Pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates frost.  Suits wetland environs.

Hedycarya arborea


Medium grower to 12m.  Provides food for Pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates wind.

Knightia excelsa


Medium grower to 30m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye and sometimes possums.  Tolerates dry soil, wind and frost.

Podocarpus totara


Fast grower to 30m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye and often to possums.  Tolerates light shade, wind and frost.


Forest trees - best planted in a well sheltered environment - may be frost tender but protected by earlier plantings of frost tender plants - will outgrow other forest trees once established.

Botanical Name
Common or Maori Name

Beilschmiedia tarairi


Medium grower to 20m.  Provides food for pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates wind.  Suits coastal environs.

Corynocarpus laevigatus


Medium grower to 15m.  Provides food for Pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates light shade and frost.  Can grow in open but tends to be more bushy.

Dacrydium cupressinum


Slow grower to 25m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye and sometimes possums.  Tolerates wind and frost.  Suits coastal and wetland environs.

Dysoxylum spectabile


Medium grower to 13m.  Provides food for Pigeons and often possums.  Tolerates medium shade and wind.

Entelea arborescens


Medium grower to 6m.  Tolerates light shade.  Suits coastal environs.

Melicytus ramiflorus


Fast grower to 10m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye, Pigeons and often to possums.  Tolerates dry soil, wind and frost.  Suits coastal and wetland environs.

Prumnopitys ferruginea


Medium grower to 25m.  Provides food for Pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates light shade and frost.

Prumnopitys taxifolia


Medium grower to 25m.  Provides food for Pigeons and sometimes possums.  Tolerates light shade, wind and frost.  Suits wetland environs.

Vitex lucens


Medium grower to 20m.  Provides food for Bellbirds, Tui, Silvereye and Pigeons and sometimes to possums.  Tolerates dry soil and wind.  Suits coastal environs.



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