Seed Collecting
Ecology news
Planting tips
Planting article

Products of Forest Floor
Forest Floor is a Wholesale Tree Nursery that has produced several million seedlings over the last 30 years. We
specialise in growing NZ native plants from seed for revegetation and
forest restoration. Since we are located in Northland most of our seed
is locally eco-sourced from Auckland to Kaitaia. Our
most popular products are manuka and kanuka and forestry grade trees.
Most of these plants go directly to farmers and rural property owners
in Northland. To nurseries we supply growing on lines and small seedlings. We
have lots of plants for ETS (evapotranspiration effluent) fields
and wetlands such as Carex, Juncus, Phormium ( flaxes) and Cordyline
(cabbage trees) For landscaping and property beautification we grow native grasses and specimens such as nikau. For wind protection and privacy we grow several species of bamboo and produce bamboo biochar. We provide
consultancy services for ecosystem restoration, native forestry and
plantations for honey production. We source manuka honey from
throughout NZ for clients who want the best quality, and arrange
exports. We are always very busy!
| |
To get the best plants, ready for planting in mid-winter when
conditions are perfect , make an order early in the year.
Where big numbers are required, order the year before to get the best
price and guaranteed supply. Where special seed collecting is required
and we do not have the seed already then we need 18 months to 2 years advance notice. Some
things can take many years to grow. If you visit the nursery and see
something you like, get it on the spot (or reserve it) otherwise it may
not be available next time you come. We cannot just order up more stock
from China! Having said that, we always have lots of trees growing on out the back that will soon be ready.
Our Leptospermum
scoparium (manuka) plants are the best in the country. We have
lots of different provenances available including high UMF selections,
cold climate selections, coloured flowering selections, high triketone
oil selections and disease resistant selections. We have always believed in manuka as a superplant,
nature's answer to healing marginal land. Manuka
pioneers the way for native bush to come in of its own accord. Manuka produces medicinal
honey to beat the antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains. It makes
superb firewood and also the best chips for smoking fish. The oil can
be extracted from the leaf and is also highly medicinal. Manuka
supports both types of myccorhizal fungi so is the ideal pioneer for
virtually any forest tree, including fruit trees. We use it to shelter
young avocado trees for example. They let through the ideal amount of
light and build up the soil.
 | On
the left is a manuka on a Forest Floor planting job, about 6 months
after planting. It is nice and bushy, which will result in a profusion
of flowers in another 12 months. The trunk is also very stocky and will
resist blowing over in coastal gales that frequent much of NZ.
This is why we prefer to supply bushy squat plants, with a
proportionate bushy root system, as opposed to tall lanky plants with
few roots and few growing tips | 

| These red
manuka flowers were growing naturally on the roadside. We grow many
different strains of manuka, mainly ones in the Northland eco-region.
There are actually several distinct varieties of manuka recognised, and
we can easily tell the difference between manuka plants from different parts
of the country. Some individual plants like this one pictured are
worth cultivating just for their unique beauty. We
usually recommend local genetics should be used, since nature has
perfected the species for many years. However the species itself is
continually changing and evolving in response to environmental changes
and selection pressures. The main thing for the species sake is to
maintain a wide variety of genetics, preferably the local ones well
represented, and certainly avoiding too much reliance on a narrow
genetic range of cutting grown or cloned cultivars. |

We especially like growing plants
that are threatened in the wild, such as these Astelia chathamica and
Astelia banksii. |
We spend much of our time
gardening, creating landscapes for ourselves and
others, using predominately native plants. We provide consultancy services including design and project implementation.
In the example below, the
owner wished to reduce mowing while still be able to walk
around the garden to admire the view.
In this
example we had to plant islands, to integrate man-made ponds with the
wider environment

see how to reveg