Paramount to the landscaping service is the plant health advisory
service. We
are advocates of a type of integrated pest management (IPM) that goes
beyond the pests themselves and considers carefully which crop or
garden plant suits a particular site well.
Our commercial
nurseries have grown millions of
plants nearly totally without sprays. Our consultants
are skilled in the identification and understanding of plant diseases
and pests, and prefer to use preventative measures rather than
restorative or curative solutions.
example, we choose to grow native plants, precisely because they
actually grow
better in our location than most introduced plants. As
another example we have different nursery sites which we compare in
order to consider their
particular individual advantages very carefully, to site plants
according to where they will be most healthy, rather than spraying out
specialist skills evolve around this principle of
plants to a site rather than suiting a site to a plant. (suit the crop to the spot)
We are leaders
in the field of ecological restoration. We work with
alternative forestry methods that are very light on the ground. For large scale jobs we
prefer to set up an on-site nursery. 