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Bird Recovery Centre,
By Robert Webb
One hundred and twenty birds were brought into the Recovery Centre over December
and January. Ten had to be put to sleep, but the other 110 have been
released. I would like to thank everyone that took the trouble to
contact us over the Christmas break regarding injured birds.
A 10 month old Kiwi was sent to us from Kerikeri. This bird had been
hit by a car and was found walking on the road on a very hot day. You
can be sure if you find a Kiwi out in the open during daylight that
it’s in real trouble, and the sooner it’s sent to us, the better.
The Kerikeri area is well known for its Kiwi feeding on roads after dark. Next
time you see what you think may be a possum, have another look before running it
over. Two young Kiwi that were sent in last year had been hit by
cars, gave the drivers a shock when they realised that they had hit a Kiwi and
not a possum.
While on the subject of cars, in the last month we had three Pukeko plus two Red
Tailed Gulls that had been run over deliberately which gave us the sad job of
putting them to sleep. I have spoken about this before and hoped that
people may stop and think. There has been a change in the Wildlife Act and if
someone reports the driver to the Dept of Conservation, they can expect to be
fined up to $5000 plus per bird. The Pukeko is still classed as a
partially protected native, so come on, Northland, let’s stop this so no one
gets fined.
I read in the paper that Australia is trying to claim the Kiwi. Well,
I spoke to Snoopy (our Kiwi), and he reckons that it is all rubbish! But
if there is any truth in it, he may look at making a land claim over there. I
guess that should put a stop to it.
If you find an injured bird, keep it warm and quiet. Never try to
give it water as the bird will be in shock, then when it comes into human
contact the stress will make it open its beak to try and cool down. Any
water will go into its lungs and kill it.
Most birds will go a full 24 hours without water or food, contact the Centre as
soon as you can, and we will advise you what to do in the early stage.
Remember the Centre still needs your support, the more help we get the better
care we can give the birds.
Page last updated: 20/05/02