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Bird Recovery Centre,
Peninsula Declared a Kiwi Sanctuary
Northern Advocate 17 July 2001
An idyllic, predator-free environment is in store for kiwi living in the Bay of
Islands with the 2,500 hectare Russell peninsula being declared a kiwi
sanctuary. Jacqui Knight, chief executive of Enterprise Russell, announced
yesterday that the peninsula had been declared a kiwi sanctuary and work was
about to start on a fence to keep predators out of the area. Ms Knight said the
peninsula was now virtually free of rats, possums and mustelids, all predators
that were putting the country's kiwi population, and other native flora and
fauna, at risk.
Extensive poisoning this year had almost wiped out the predators and trapping
was now underway to "clear up the rest of them," she said. Work on
removing the predators from the peninsula was expected to cost about $100,000
this year. Once the work was finished, including the erection of the predator
fence, it should cost about $40,000 a year to maintain the sanctuary.
Ms Knight said the exciting project had the backing of the local community,
which also had a big part to play in ensuring the success of the plan. "The
locals are right behind this. They are looking at the way they are responsible
for controlling their dogs and cats," she said.
Ms Knight said the sanctuary would provide a better future for kiwi and other
native species in the area. "It will be better for the people that live
there too. They will get to appreciate the unique New Zealand environment
more," she said. "There are many (kiwi sanctuaries) around, but this
could be the first to have people living in the middle of it."
The sanctuary could also open up eco-tourism opportunities, Ms Knight said.
"There are already inquiries from overseas people who want to stay in the
bush where they can hear a kiwi" she said. "Perhaps it won't be long
before Russell can offer accommodation where people can watch a kiwi feeding in
the wild."
Since the poisoning started there had already been an increase in kiwi sightings
by the public. One recent morning a kiwi was found foraging on the Russell
bowling green.
Project leader, and habitat specialist Laurence Gordon was about to start
erecting a fence along the peninsula, which will extend northwards from
Manawaora and Clendon Cove, to prevent the area being reinvaded by predators
from the neighbouring Russell Forest.
The Kawakawa Community Board had put aside funds to pay for the fence, Mr Gordon
said. "It will be a prototype, using the latest techniques to deter
mustelids, and should be of interest to others who are contemplating similar
projects," he said.
Funding for the project had also been provided by the World Wildlife Fund,
Department of Conservation, BNZ and the Pacific Development and Conservation
Northern Advocate 17 July 2001
Page last updated: 05/04/02