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Bird Recovery Centre,
By Robert Webb
It was sad to read in The Herald last week about the Kukupa (native wood pigeon)
killed by poachers. We talk about the native birds as the children of the
forest, but to a few it’s more like “too bad, how sad”.
The Kukupa (as it is called in the North) or Kuku or Kereru (as it is known
further South) plays a vital role in the health and survival of our forests, or
should I say the birds’ forests. For many years, we have taken so
much from the native birds and given so little in return. Some might see this as
progress, but really it’s just greed for the mighty dollar.
One day someone will wake up and say “that’s enough”. There are
people out there who can do something about it- after all, there are rules and
regulations in place. You know who you are- do something about it before it’ s
too late. I wonder if the hunters of these birds are really into the old ways
and are prepared to take the consequences that befell hunters ignoring natures
rules, their tongues were ripped out!
Some may say: “What has it got to do
with him?” Plenty. I speak for the native birds, and the
centre helps many hundreds of our birds each year. Take the time one day to
visit the centre, then tell me if I’m wrong.
There are also many private groups and individuals trying their very best to
help but are being held back because of the mighty dollar, politics, and fear of
upsetting others. It’s a shame I can’t print what I’d really
like to say about poachers and the so-called rules.
The centre spends many hundreds of hours helping the birds, and no-one here
receives any wages. The funds given to us by many kind people are
used to help the birds.
Well, I better stop moaning. If this article upsets anyone, too bad. Next
time I will talk about the fun side of working with native birds.
Page last updated: 05/04/02